
Copyright (c) 2007 Health Market Science, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.util;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Column;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Cursor;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.CursorBuilder;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Row;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.ByteUtil;

 * Utility class for exporting tables from an Access database to other
 * formats.  See the {@link Builder} for convenient configuration of the
 * export functionality.  Note that most scenarios for customizing output data
 * can be handled by implementing a custom {@link ExportFilter}.
 * @author Frank Gerbig
 * @usage _general_class_
public class ExportUtil {

  public static final String DEFAULT_DELIMITER = ",";
  public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR = '"';
  public static final String DEFAULT_FILE_EXT = "csv";

  private ExportUtil() {

   * Copy all tables into new delimited text files <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportAll(db, dir, "csv");}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param dir
   *          The directory where the new files will be created
   * @see #exportAll(Database,File,String)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportAll(Database db, File dir)
      throws IOException {
    exportAll(db, dir, DEFAULT_FILE_EXT);

   * Copy all tables into new delimited text files <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportFile(db, name, f, false, null, '"',
   * SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param dir
   *          The directory where the new files will be created
   * @param ext
   *          The file extension of the new files
   * @see #exportFile(Database,String,File,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportAll(Database db, File dir,
      String ext) throws IOException {
    for (String tableName : db.getTableNames()) {
      exportFile(db, tableName, new File(dir, tableName + "." + ext), false,

   * Copy all tables into new delimited text files <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportFile(db, name, f, false, null, '"',
   * SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param dir
   *          The directory where the new files will be created
   * @param ext
   *          The file extension of the new files
   * @param header
   *          If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
   * @see #exportFile(Database,String,File,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportAll(Database db, File dir,
      String ext, boolean header)
      throws IOException {
    for (String tableName : db.getTableNames()) {
      exportFile(db, tableName, new File(dir, tableName + "." + ext), header,

   * Copy all tables into new delimited text files <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportFile(db, name, f, false, null, '"',
   * SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param dir
   *          The directory where the new files will be created
   * @param ext
   *          The file extension of the new files
   * @param header
   *          If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
   * @param delim
   *          The column delimiter, <code>null</code> for default (comma)
   * @param quote
   *          The quote character
   * @param filter
   *          valid export filter
   * @see #exportFile(Database,String,File,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportAll(Database db, File dir,
      String ext, boolean header, String delim,
      char quote, ExportFilter filter)
      throws IOException {
    for (String tableName : db.getTableNames()) {
      exportFile(db, tableName, new File(dir, tableName + "." + ext), header,
          delim, quote, filter);

   * Copy a table into a new delimited text file <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportFile(db, name, f, false, null, '"',
   * SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param tableName
   *          Name of the table to export
   * @param f
   *          New file to create
   * @see #exportFile(Database,String,File,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportFile(Database db, String tableName,
      File f) throws IOException {
    exportFile(db, tableName, f, false, DEFAULT_DELIMITER, DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, 

   * Copy a table into a new delimited text file <br>
   * Nearly equivalent to: {@code exportWriter(db, name, new BufferedWriter(f),
   * header, delim, quote, filter);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param tableName
   *          Name of the table to export
   * @param f
   *          New file to create
   * @param header
   *          If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
   * @param delim
   *          The column delimiter, <code>null</code> for default (comma)
   * @param quote
   *          The quote character
   * @param filter
   *          valid export filter
   * @see #exportWriter(Database,String,BufferedWriter,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportFile(Database db, String tableName,
      File f, boolean header, String delim, char quote,
      ExportFilter filter) throws IOException {
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    try {
      out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f));
      exportWriter(db, tableName, out, header, delim, quote, filter);
    } finally {

   * Copy a table in this database into a new delimited text file <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportWriter(db, name, out, false, null, '"',
   * SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param tableName
   *          Name of the table to export
   * @param out
   *          Writer to export to
   * @see #exportWriter(Database,String,BufferedWriter,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportWriter(Database db, String tableName,
      BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
    exportWriter(db, tableName, out, false, DEFAULT_DELIMITER, 
                 DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE);

   * Copy a table in this database into a new delimited text file. <br>
   * Equivalent to: {@code exportWriter(Cursor.createCursor(db.getTable(tableName)), out, header, delim, quote, filter);}
   * @param db
   *          Database the table to export belongs to
   * @param tableName
   *          Name of the table to export
   * @param out
   *          Writer to export to
   * @param header
   *          If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
   * @param delim
   *          The column delimiter, <code>null</code> for default (comma)
   * @param quote
   *          The quote character
   * @param filter
   *          valid export filter
   * @see #exportWriter(Cursor,BufferedWriter,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportWriter(Database db, String tableName,
      BufferedWriter out, boolean header, String delim,
      char quote, ExportFilter filter)
      throws IOException 
    exportWriter(CursorBuilder.createCursor(db.getTable(tableName)), out, header,
                 delim, quote, filter);

   * Copy a table in this database into a new delimited text file.
   * @param cursor
   *          Cursor to export
   * @param out
   *          Writer to export to
   * @param header
   *          If <code>true</code> the first line contains the column names
   * @param delim
   *          The column delimiter, <code>null</code> for default (comma)
   * @param quote
   *          The quote character
   * @param filter
   *          valid export filter
   * @see Builder
  public static void exportWriter(Cursor cursor,
      BufferedWriter out, boolean header, String delim,
      char quote, ExportFilter filter)
      throws IOException 
    String delimiter = (delim == null) ? DEFAULT_DELIMITER : delim;

    // create pattern which will indicate whether or not a value needs to be
    // quoted or not (contains delimiter, separator, or newline)
    Pattern needsQuotePattern = Pattern.compile(
        "(?:" + Pattern.quote(delimiter) + ")|(?:" + 
        Pattern.quote("" + quote) + ")|(?:[\n\r])");

    List<? extends Column> origCols = cursor.getTable().getColumns();
    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(origCols);
    columns = filter.filterColumns(columns);

    Collection<String> columnNames = null;
    if(!origCols.equals(columns)) {

      // columns have been filtered
      columnNames = new HashSet<String>();
      for (Column c : columns) {

    // print the header row (if desired)
    if (header) {
      for (Iterator<Column> iter = columns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {

        writeValue(out, iter.next().getName(), quote, needsQuotePattern);

        if (iter.hasNext()) {

    // print the data rows
    Object[] unfilteredRowData = new Object[columns.size()];
    Row row;
    while ((row = cursor.getNextRow(columnNames)) != null) {

      // fill raw row data in array
      for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
        unfilteredRowData[i] = columns.get(i).getRowValue(row);

      // apply filter
      Object[] rowData = filter.filterRow(unfilteredRowData);
      if(rowData == null) {

      // print row
      for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {

        Object obj = rowData[i];
        if(obj != null) {

          String value = null;
          if(obj instanceof byte[]) {

            value = ByteUtil.toHexString((byte[])obj);

          } else {

            value = String.valueOf(rowData[i]);

          writeValue(out, value, quote, needsQuotePattern);

        if (i < columns.size() - 1) {



  private static void writeValue(BufferedWriter out, String value, char quote,
                                 Pattern needsQuotePattern) 
    throws IOException
    if(!needsQuotePattern.matcher(value).find()) {

      // no quotes necessary

    // wrap the value in quotes and handle internal quotes
    for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) {
      char c = value.charAt(i);

      if (c == quote) {

   * Builder which simplifies configuration of an export operation.
  public static class Builder
    private Database _db;
    private String _tableName;
    private String _ext = DEFAULT_FILE_EXT;
    private Cursor _cursor;
    private String _delim = DEFAULT_DELIMITER;
    private char _quote = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR;
    private ExportFilter _filter = SimpleExportFilter.INSTANCE;
    private boolean _header;

    public Builder(Database db) {
      this(db, null);

    public Builder(Database db, String tableName) {
      _db = db;
      _tableName = tableName;

    public Builder(Cursor cursor) {
      _cursor = cursor;

    public Builder setDatabase(Database db) {
      _db = db;
      return this;

    public Builder setTableName(String tableName) {
      _tableName = tableName;
      return this;

    public Builder setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
      _cursor = cursor;
      return this;

    public Builder setDelimiter(String delim) {
      _delim = delim;
      return this;

    public Builder setQuote(char quote) {
      _quote = quote;
      return this;

    public Builder setFilter(ExportFilter filter) {
      _filter = filter;
      return this;

    public Builder setHeader(boolean header) {
      _header = header;
      return this;

    public Builder setFileNameExtension(String ext) {
      _ext = ext;
      return this;

     * @see ExportUtil#exportAll(Database,File,String,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
    public void exportAll(File dir) throws IOException {
      ExportUtil.exportAll(_db, dir, _ext, _header, _delim, _quote, _filter);

     * @see ExportUtil#exportFile(Database,String,File,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
    public void exportFile(File f) throws IOException {
      ExportUtil.exportFile(_db, _tableName, f, _header, _delim, _quote,

     * @see ExportUtil#exportWriter(Database,String,BufferedWriter,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
     * @see ExportUtil#exportWriter(Cursor,BufferedWriter,boolean,String,char,ExportFilter)
    public void exportWriter(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
      if(_cursor != null) {
        ExportUtil.exportWriter(_cursor, writer, _header, _delim, 
                                _quote, _filter);
      } else {
        ExportUtil.exportWriter(_db, _tableName, writer, _header, _delim, 
                                _quote, _filter);
