- /*
- Copyright (c) 2017 James Ahlborn
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.expr;
- import java.time.DateTimeException;
- import java.time.DayOfWeek;
- import java.time.LocalDate;
- import java.time.LocalDateTime;
- import java.time.LocalTime;
- import java.time.Month;
- import java.time.MonthDay;
- import java.time.Year;
- import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
- import java.time.format.TextStyle;
- import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
- import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
- import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
- import java.time.temporal.WeekFields;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.EvalContext;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.EvalException;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.Function;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.LocaleContext;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.TemporalConfig;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.expr.Value;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.ColumnImpl;
- import static com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.expr.DefaultFunctions.*;
- import static com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.expr.FunctionSupport.*;
- /**
- *
- * @author James Ahlborn
- */
- public class DefaultDateFunctions
- {
- // min, valid, recognizable date: January 1, 100 A.D. 00:00:00
- private static final double MIN_DATE = -657434.0d;
- // max, valid, recognizable date: December 31, 9999 A.D. 23:59:59
- private static final double MAX_DATE = 2958465.999988426d;
- private static final String INTV_YEAR = "yyyy";
- private static final String INTV_QUARTER = "q";
- private static final String INTV_MONTH = "m";
- private static final String INTV_DAY_OF_YEAR = "y";
- private static final String INTV_DAY = "d";
- private static final String INTV_WEEKDAY = "w";
- private static final String INTV_WEEK = "ww";
- private static final String INTV_HOUR = "h";
- private static final String INTV_MINUTE = "n";
- private static final String INTV_SECOND = "s";
- private static final WeekFields SUNDAY_FIRST =
- WeekFields.of(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY, 1);
- private DefaultDateFunctions() {}
- static void init() {
- // dummy method to ensure this class is loaded
- }
- public static final Function DATE = registerFunc(new Func0("Date") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval0(EvalContext ctx) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(;
- }
- });
- public static final Function DATEVALUE = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("DateValue") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- Value dv = param1.getAsDateTimeValue(ctx);
- if(dv.getType() == Value.Type.DATE) {
- return dv;
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(dv.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).toLocalDate());
- }
- });
- public static final Function DATESERIAL = registerFunc(new Func3("DateSerial") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval3(EvalContext ctx, Value param1, Value param2, Value param3) {
- int year = param1.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- int month = param2.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- int day = param3.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- // "default" two digit year handling
- if(year < 100) {
- year += ((year <= 29) ? 2000 : 1900);
- }
- // we have to construct incrementatlly to handle out of range values
- LocalDate ld = LocalDate.of(year,1,1).plusMonths(month - 1)
- .plusDays(day - 1);
- return ValueSupport.toValue(ld);
- }
- });
- public static final Function DATEPART = registerFunc(new FuncVar("DatePart", 2, 4) {
- @Override
- protected Value evalVar(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params) {
- Value param2 = params[1];
- if(param2.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- int firstDay = getFirstDayParam(ctx, params, 2);
- int firstWeekType = getFirstWeekTypeParam(ctx, params, 3);
- String intv = params[0].getAsString(ctx).trim();
- int result = -1;
- if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_YEAR)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getYear();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_QUARTER)) {
- result = getQuarter(param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx));
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MONTH)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getMonthValue();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY_OF_YEAR)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getDayOfYear();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getDayOfMonth();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEKDAY)) {
- int dayOfWeek = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx)
- .get(SUNDAY_FIRST.dayOfWeek());
- result = dayOfWeekToWeekDay(dayOfWeek, firstDay);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEK)) {
- result = weekOfYear(ctx, param2, firstDay, firstWeekType);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_HOUR)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getHour();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MINUTE)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getMinute();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_SECOND)) {
- result = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getSecond();
- } else {
- throw new EvalException("Invalid interval " + intv);
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(result);
- }
- });
- public static final Function DATEADD = registerFunc(new Func3("DateAdd") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval3(EvalContext ctx,
- Value param1, Value param2, Value param3) {
- if(param3.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- String intv = param1.getAsString(ctx).trim();
- int val = param2.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- LocalDateTime ldt = param3.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx);
- if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_YEAR)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_QUARTER)) {
- ldt = * 3, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MONTH)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY_OF_YEAR) ||
- intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY) ||
- intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEKDAY)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEK)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.WEEKS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_HOUR)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.HOURS);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MINUTE)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_SECOND)) {
- ldt =, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
- } else {
- throw new EvalException("Invalid interval " + intv);
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(ldt);
- }
- });
- public static final Function DATEDIFF = registerFunc(new FuncVar("DateDiff", 3, 5) {
- @Override
- protected Value evalVar(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params) {
- Value param2 = params[1];
- Value param3 = params[2];
- if(param2.isNull() || param3.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- int firstDay = getFirstDayParam(ctx, params, 3);
- int firstWeekType = getFirstWeekTypeParam(ctx, params, 4);
- String intv = params[0].getAsString(ctx).trim();
- LocalDateTime ldt1 = param2.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx);
- LocalDateTime ldt2 = param3.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx);
- int sign = 1;
- if(ldt1.isAfter(ldt2)) {
- LocalDateTime tmp = ldt1;
- ldt1 = ldt2;
- ldt2 = tmp;
- sign = -1;
- }
- // NOTE: DateDiff understands leap years, but not daylight savings time
- // (i.e. it doesn't really take into account timezones). so all time
- // based calculations assume 24 hour days.
- int result = -1;
- if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_YEAR)) {
- result = ldt2.getYear() - ldt1.getYear();
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_QUARTER)) {
- int y1 = ldt1.getYear();
- int q1 = getQuarter(ldt1);
- int y2 = ldt2.getYear();
- int q2 = getQuarter(ldt2);
- while(y2 > y1) {
- q2 += 4;
- --y2;
- }
- result = q2 - q1;
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MONTH)) {
- int y1 = ldt1.getYear();
- int m1 = ldt1.getMonthValue();
- int y2 = ldt2.getYear();
- int m2 = ldt2.getMonthValue();
- while(y2 > y1) {
- m2 += 12;
- --y2;
- }
- result = m2 - m1;
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY_OF_YEAR) ||
- intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_DAY)) {
- result = getDayDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEKDAY)) {
- // this calulates number of 7 day periods between two dates
- result = getDayDiff(ldt1, ldt2) / 7;
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_WEEK)) {
- // this counts number of "week of year" intervals between two dates
- WeekFields weekFields = weekFields(firstDay, firstWeekType);
- int w1 = ldt1.get(weekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear());
- int y1 = ldt1.get(weekFields.weekBasedYear());
- int w2 = ldt2.get(weekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear());
- int y2 = ldt2.get(weekFields.weekBasedYear());
- while(y2 > y1) {
- --y2;
- w2 += weeksInYear(y2, weekFields);
- }
- result = w2 - w1;
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_HOUR)) {
- result = getHourDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_MINUTE)) {
- result = getMinuteDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- } else if(intv.equalsIgnoreCase(INTV_SECOND)) {
- int s1 = ldt1.getSecond();
- int s2 = ldt2.getSecond();
- int minuteDiff = getMinuteDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- result = (s2 + (60 * minuteDiff)) - s1;
- } else {
- throw new EvalException("Invalid interval " + intv);
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(result * sign);
- }
- });
- public static final Function NOW = registerFunc(new Func0("Now") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval0(EvalContext ctx) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(Value.Type.DATE_TIME,
- }
- });
- public static final Function TIME = registerFunc(new Func0("Time") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval0(EvalContext ctx) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(;
- }
- });
- public static final Function TIMEVALUE = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("TimeValue") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- Value dv = param1.getAsDateTimeValue(ctx);
- if(dv.getType() == Value.Type.TIME) {
- return dv;
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(dv.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).toLocalTime());
- }
- });
- public static final Function TIMER = registerFunc(new Func0("Timer") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval0(EvalContext ctx) {
- double dd =
- .get(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY) / 1000d;
- return ValueSupport.toValue(dd);
- }
- });
- public static final Function TIMESERIAL = registerFunc(new Func3("TimeSerial") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval3(EvalContext ctx, Value param1, Value param2, Value param3) {
- int hours = param1.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- int minutes = param2.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- int seconds = param3.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- // we have to construct incrementatlly to handle out of range values
- LocalTime lt = ColumnImpl.BASE_LT.plusHours(hours).plusMinutes(minutes)
- .plusSeconds(seconds);
- return ValueSupport.toValue(lt);
- }
- });
- public static final Function HOUR = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Hour") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getHour());
- }
- });
- public static final Function MINUTE = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Minute") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getMinute());
- }
- });
- public static final Function SECOND = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Second") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getSecond());
- }
- });
- public static final Function YEAR = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Year") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getYear());
- }
- });
- public static final Function MONTH = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Month") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getMonthValue());
- }
- });
- public static final Function MONTHNAME = registerFunc(new FuncVar("MonthName", 1, 2) {
- @Override
- protected Value evalVar(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params) {
- Value param1 = params[0];
- if(param1.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- Month month = Month.of(param1.getAsLongInt(ctx));
- TextStyle textStyle = getTextStyle(ctx, params, 1);
- String monthName = month.getDisplayName(
- textStyle, ctx.getTemporalConfig().getLocale());
- return ValueSupport.toValue(monthName);
- }
- });
- public static final Function DAY = registerFunc(new Func1NullIsNull("Day") {
- @Override
- protected Value eval1(EvalContext ctx, Value param1) {
- return ValueSupport.toValue(
- param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx).getDayOfMonth());
- }
- });
- public static final Function WEEKDAY = registerFunc(new FuncVar("Weekday", 1, 2) {
- @Override
- protected Value evalVar(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params) {
- Value param1 = params[0];
- if(param1.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- int dayOfWeek = param1.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx)
- .get(SUNDAY_FIRST.dayOfWeek());
- int firstDay = getFirstDayParam(ctx, params, 1);
- return ValueSupport.toValue(dayOfWeekToWeekDay(dayOfWeek, firstDay));
- }
- });
- public static final Function WEEKDAYNAME = registerFunc(new FuncVar("WeekdayName", 1, 3) {
- @Override
- protected Value evalVar(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params) {
- Value param1 = params[0];
- if(param1.isNull()) {
- return ValueSupport.NULL_VAL;
- }
- int weekday = param1.getAsLongInt(ctx);
- TextStyle textStyle = getTextStyle(ctx, params, 1);
- int firstDay = getFirstDayParam(ctx, params, 2);
- int dayOfWeek = weekDayToDayOfWeek(weekday, firstDay);
- String weekdayName = dayOfWeek(dayOfWeek).getDisplayName(
- textStyle, ctx.getTemporalConfig().getLocale());
- return ValueSupport.toValue(weekdayName);
- }
- });
- static Value stringToDateValue(LocaleContext ctx, String valStr) {
- // see if we can coerce to date/time
- TemporalConfig.Type valTempType = ExpressionTokenizer.determineDateType(
- valStr, ctx);
- if(valTempType != null) {
- DateTimeFormatter parseDf = ctx.createDateFormatter(
- ctx.getTemporalConfig().getDateTimeFormat(valTempType));
- try {
- TemporalAccessor parsedInfo = parseDf.parse(valStr);
- LocalDate ld = ColumnImpl.BASE_LD;
- if(valTempType.includesDate()) {
- // the year may not be explicitly specified
- if(parsedInfo.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR)) {
- ld = LocalDate.from(parsedInfo);
- } else {
- ld = MonthDay.from(parsedInfo).atYear(
- }
- }
- LocalTime lt = ColumnImpl.BASE_LT;
- if(valTempType.includesTime()) {
- lt = LocalTime.from(parsedInfo);
- }
- return ValueSupport.toValue(LocalDateTime.of(ld, lt));
- } catch(DateTimeException de) {
- // note a valid date/time
- }
- }
- // not a valid date string, not a date/time
- return null;
- }
- static boolean isValidDateDouble(double dd) {
- return ((dd >= MIN_DATE) && (dd <= MAX_DATE));
- }
- static Value numberToDateValue(double dd) {
- if(!isValidDateDouble(dd)) {
- // outside valid date range
- return null;
- }
- LocalDateTime ldt = ColumnImpl.ldtFromLocalDateDouble(dd);
- return ValueSupport.toValue(ldt);
- }
- private static int dayOfWeekToWeekDay(int day, int firstDay) {
- // shift all the values to 0 based to calculate the correct value, then
- // back to 1 based to return the result
- return (((day - 1) - (firstDay - 1) + 7) % 7) + 1;
- }
- private static int weekDayToDayOfWeek(int weekday, int firstDay) {
- // shift all the values to 0 based to calculate the correct value, then
- // back to 1 based to return the result
- return (((firstDay - 1) + (weekday - 1)) % 7) + 1;
- }
- static int getFirstDayParam(
- LocaleContext ctx, Value[] params, int idx) {
- // vbSunday (default) 1
- // vbUseSystem 0
- return getOptionalIntParam(ctx, params, idx, 1, 0);
- }
- static int getFirstWeekTypeParam(
- LocaleContext ctx, Value[] params, int idx) {
- // vbFirstJan1 (default) 1
- // vbUseSystem 0
- return getOptionalIntParam(ctx, params, idx, 1, 0);
- }
- static WeekFields weekFields(int firstDay, int firstWeekType) {
- int minDays = 1;
- switch(firstWeekType) {
- case 1:
- // vbUseSystem 0
- // vbFirstJan1 1 (default)
- break;
- case 2:
- // vbFirstFourDays 2
- minDays = 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // vbFirstFullWeek 3
- minDays = 7;
- break;
- default:
- throw new EvalException("Invalid first week of year type " +
- firstWeekType);
- }
- return WeekFields.of(dayOfWeek(firstDay), minDays);
- }
- private static DayOfWeek dayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek) {
- return - 1);
- }
- private static TextStyle getTextStyle(EvalContext ctx, Value[] params,
- int idx) {
- boolean abbreviate = getOptionalBooleanParam(ctx, params, idx);
- return (abbreviate ? TextStyle.SHORT : TextStyle.FULL);
- }
- private static int weekOfYear(EvalContext ctx, Value param, int firstDay,
- int firstWeekType) {
- return weekOfYear(param.getAsLocalDateTime(ctx), firstDay, firstWeekType);
- }
- private static int weekOfYear(LocalDateTime ldt, int firstDay,
- int firstWeekType) {
- WeekFields weekFields = weekFields(firstDay, firstWeekType);
- return ldt.get(weekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear());
- }
- private static int weeksInYear(int year, WeekFields weekFields) {
- return (int)LocalDate.of(year,2,1).range(weekFields.weekOfWeekBasedYear())
- .getMaximum();
- }
- private static int getQuarter(LocalDateTime ldt) {
- int month = ldt.getMonthValue() - 1;
- return (month / 3) + 1;
- }
- private static int getDayDiff(LocalDateTime ldt1, LocalDateTime ldt2) {
- int y1 = ldt1.getYear();
- int d1 = ldt1.getDayOfYear();
- int y2 = ldt2.getYear();
- int d2 = ldt2.getDayOfYear();
- while(y2 > y1) {
- ldt2 = ldt2.minusYears(1);
- d2 += ldt2.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR).getMaximum();
- y2 = ldt2.getYear();
- }
- return d2 - d1;
- }
- private static int getHourDiff(LocalDateTime ldt1, LocalDateTime ldt2) {
- int h1 = ldt1.getHour();
- int h2 = ldt2.getHour();
- int dayDiff = getDayDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- return (h2 + (24 * dayDiff)) - h1;
- }
- private static int getMinuteDiff(LocalDateTime ldt1, LocalDateTime ldt2) {
- int m1 = ldt1.getMinute();
- int m2 = ldt2.getMinute();
- int hourDiff = getHourDiff(ldt1, ldt2);
- return (m2 + (60 * hourDiff)) - m1;
- }
- }