- /*
- Copyright (c) 2013 James Ahlborn
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess;
- import;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.Map;
- import;
- import;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.util.ColumnMatcher;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.util.ErrorHandler;
- import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.util.IterableBuilder;
- /**
- * Manages iteration for a {@link Table}. Different cursors provide different
- * methods of traversing a table. Cursors should be fairly robust in the face
- * of table modification during traversal (although depending on how the table
- * is traversed, row updates may or may not be seen). Multiple cursors may
- * traverse the same table simultaneously.
- * <p>
- * Basic cursors will generally iterate table data in the order it appears in
- * the database and searches will require scanning the entire table.
- * Additional features are available when utilizing an {@link Index} backed
- * {@link IndexCursor}.
- * <p>
- * The {@link CursorBuilder} provides a variety of static utility methods to
- * construct cursors with given characteristics or easily search for specific
- * values as well as friendly and flexible construction options.
- * <p>
- * A Cursor instance is not thread-safe (see {@link Database} for more
- * thread-safety details).
- *
- * @author James Ahlborn
- * @usage _general_class_
- */
- public interface Cursor extends Iterable<Row>
- {
- public Id getId();
- public Table getTable();
- /**
- * Gets the currently configured ErrorHandler (always non-{@code null}).
- * This will be used to handle all errors.
- */
- public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler();
- /**
- * Sets a new ErrorHandler. If {@code null}, resets to using the
- * ErrorHandler configured at the Table level.
- */
- public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler newErrorHandler);
- /**
- * Returns the currently configured ColumnMatcher, always non-{@code null}.
- */
- public ColumnMatcher getColumnMatcher();
- /**
- * Sets a new ColumnMatcher. If {@code null}, resets to using the default
- * matcher (default depends on Cursor type).
- */
- public void setColumnMatcher(ColumnMatcher columnMatcher);
- /**
- * Returns the current state of the cursor which can be restored at a future
- * point in time by a call to {@link #restoreSavepoint}.
- * <p>
- * Savepoints may be used across different cursor instances for the same
- * table, but they must have the same {@link Id}.
- */
- public Savepoint getSavepoint();
- /**
- * Moves the cursor to a savepoint previously returned from
- * {@link #getSavepoint}.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given savepoint does not have a
- * cursorId equal to this cursor's id
- */
- public void restoreSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Resets this cursor for forward traversal. Calls {@link #beforeFirst}.
- */
- public void reset();
- /**
- * Resets this cursor for forward traversal (sets cursor to before the first
- * row).
- */
- public void beforeFirst();
- /**
- * Resets this cursor for reverse traversal (sets cursor to after the last
- * row).
- */
- public void afterLast();
- /**
- * Returns {@code true} if the cursor is currently positioned before the
- * first row, {@code false} otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns {@code true} if the cursor is currently positioned after the
- * last row, {@code false} otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isAfterLast() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns {@code true} if the row at which the cursor is currently
- * positioned is deleted, {@code false} otherwise (including invalid rows).
- */
- public boolean isCurrentRowDeleted() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Calls {@link #beforeFirst} on this cursor and returns a modifiable
- * Iterator which will iterate through all the rows of this table. Use of
- * the Iterator follows the same restrictions as a call to
- * {@link #getNextRow}.
- * <p>
- * For more flexible iteration see {@link #newIterable}.
- * @throws RuntimeIOException if an IOException is thrown by one of the
- * operations, the actual exception will be contained within
- */
- @Override
- public Iterator<Row> iterator();
- /**
- * @return a Stream using the default Iterator.
- */
- default public Stream<Row> stream() {
- return, false);
- }
- /**
- * Convenience method for constructing a new IterableBuilder for this
- * cursor. An IterableBuilder provides a variety of options for more
- * flexible iteration.
- */
- public IterableBuilder newIterable();
- /**
- * Delete the current row.
- * <p>
- * Note, re-deleting an already deleted row is allowed (it does nothing).
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the current row is not valid (at
- * beginning or end of table)
- */
- public void deleteCurrentRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Update the current row.
- * @return the given row values if long enough, otherwise a new array,
- * updated with the current row values
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the current row is not valid (at
- * beginning or end of table), or deleted.
- */
- public Object[] updateCurrentRow(Object... row) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Update the current row.
- * @return the given row, updated with the current row values
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the current row is not valid (at
- * beginning or end of table), or deleted.
- */
- public <M extends Map<String,Object>> M updateCurrentRowFromMap(M row)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the next row in the table and returns it.
- * @return The next row in this table (Column name -> Column value), or
- * {@code null} if no next row is found
- */
- public Row getNextRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the next row in the table and returns it.
- * @param columnNames Only column names in this collection will be returned
- * @return The next row in this table (Column name -> Column value), or
- * {@code null} if no next row is found
- */
- public Row getNextRow(Collection<String> columnNames)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the previous row in the table and returns it.
- * @return The previous row in this table (Column name -> Column value), or
- * {@code null} if no previous row is found
- */
- public Row getPreviousRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the previous row in the table and returns it.
- * @param columnNames Only column names in this collection will be returned
- * @return The previous row in this table (Column name -> Column value), or
- * {@code null} if no previous row is found
- */
- public Row getPreviousRow(Collection<String> columnNames)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the next row as defined by this cursor.
- * @return {@code true} if a valid next row was found, {@code false}
- * otherwise
- */
- public boolean moveToNextRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the previous row as defined by this cursor.
- * @return {@code true} if a valid previous row was found, {@code false}
- * otherwise
- */
- public boolean moveToPreviousRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the row with the given rowId. If the row is not found (or an
- * exception is thrown), the cursor is restored to its previous state.
- *
- * @return {@code true} if a valid row was found with the given id,
- * {@code false} if no row was found
- */
- public boolean findRow(RowId rowId) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the first row (as defined by the cursor) where the given column
- * has the given value. This may be more efficient on some cursors than
- * others. If a match is not found (or an exception is thrown), the cursor
- * is restored to its previous state.
- * <p>
- * Warning, this method <i>always</i> starts searching from the beginning of
- * the Table (you cannot use it to find successive matches).
- *
- * @param columnPattern column from the table for this cursor which is being
- * matched by the valuePattern
- * @param valuePattern value which is equal to the corresponding value in
- * the matched row. If this object is an instance of
- * {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it will be
- * applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- * @return {@code true} if a valid row was found with the given value,
- * {@code false} if no row was found
- */
- public boolean findFirstRow(Column columnPattern, Object valuePattern)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the next row (as defined by the cursor) where the given column
- * has the given value. This may be more efficient on some cursors than
- * others. If a match is not found (or an exception is thrown), the cursor
- * is restored to its previous state.
- *
- * @param columnPattern column from the table for this cursor which is being
- * matched by the valuePattern
- * @param valuePattern value which is equal to the corresponding value in
- * the matched row. If this object is an instance of
- * {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it will be
- * applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- * @return {@code true} if a valid row was found with the given value,
- * {@code false} if no row was found
- */
- public boolean findNextRow(Column columnPattern, Object valuePattern)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the first row (as defined by the cursor) where the given columns
- * have the given values. This may be more efficient on some cursors than
- * others. If a match is not found (or an exception is thrown), the cursor
- * is restored to its previous state.
- * <p>
- * Warning, this method <i>always</i> starts searching from the beginning of
- * the Table (you cannot use it to find successive matches).
- *
- * @param rowPattern column names and values which must be equal to the
- * corresponding values in the matched row. If a value is
- * an instance of {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it
- * will be applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- * @return {@code true} if a valid row was found with the given values,
- * {@code false} if no row was found
- */
- public boolean findFirstRow(Map<String,?> rowPattern) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves to the next row (as defined by the cursor) where the given columns
- * have the given values. This may be more efficient on some cursors than
- * others. If a match is not found (or an exception is thrown), the cursor
- * is restored to its previous state.
- *
- * @param rowPattern column names and values which must be equal to the
- * corresponding values in the matched row. If a value is
- * an instance of {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it
- * will be applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- * @return {@code true} if a valid row was found with the given values,
- * {@code false} if no row was found
- */
- public boolean findNextRow(Map<String,?> rowPattern) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns {@code true} if the current row matches the given pattern.
- * @param columnPattern column from the table for this cursor which is being
- * matched by the valuePattern
- * @param valuePattern value which is equal to the corresponding value in
- * the matched row. If this object is an instance of
- * {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it will be
- * applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- */
- public boolean currentRowMatches(Column columnPattern, Object valuePattern)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns {@code true} if the current row matches the given pattern.
- * @param rowPattern column names and values which must be equal to the
- * corresponding values in the matched row. If a value is
- * an instance of {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, it
- * will be applied to the potential row value instead
- * (overriding any configured ColumnMatcher)
- */
- public boolean currentRowMatches(Map<String,?> rowPattern) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves forward as many rows as possible up to the given number of rows.
- * @return the number of rows moved.
- */
- public int moveNextRows(int numRows) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Moves backward as many rows as possible up to the given number of rows.
- * @return the number of rows moved.
- */
- public int movePreviousRows(int numRows) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns the current row in this cursor (Column name -> Column value).
- */
- public Row getCurrentRow() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns the current row in this cursor (Column name -> Column value).
- * @param columnNames Only column names in this collection will be returned
- */
- public Row getCurrentRow(Collection<String> columnNames)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Returns the given column from the current row.
- */
- public Object getCurrentRowValue(Column column) throws IOException;
- /**
- * Updates a single value in the current row.
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the current row is not valid (at
- * beginning or end of table), or deleted.
- */
- public void setCurrentRowValue(Column column, Object value)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Identifier for a cursor. Will be equal to any other cursor of the same
- * type for the same table. Primarily used to check the validity of a
- * Savepoint.
- */
- public interface Id
- {
- }
- /**
- * Value object which maintains the current position of the cursor.
- */
- public interface Position
- {
- /**
- * Returns the unique RowId of the position of the cursor.
- */
- public RowId getRowId();
- }
- /**
- * Value object which represents a complete save state of the cursor.
- * Savepoints are created by calling {@link Cursor#getSavepoint} and used by
- * calling {@link Cursor#restoreSavepoint} to return the the cursor state at
- * the time the Savepoint was created.
- */
- public interface Savepoint
- {
- public Id getCursorId();
- public Position getCurrentPosition();
- }
- }