View Javadoc
1   /*
2   Copyright (c) 2005 Health Market Science, Inc.
4   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  limitations under the License.
15  */
17  package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess;
19  import;
20  import java.math.BigDecimal;
21  import java.math.BigInteger;
22  import java.sql.Types;
23  import java.util.Date;
24  import java.util.HashMap;
25  import java.util.Map;
26  import java.time.LocalDateTime;
28  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.DatabaseImpl;
29  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.JetFormat;
30  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.SqlHelper;
32  /**
33   * Supported access data types.
34   *
35   * @author Tim McCune
36   * @usage _general_class_
37   */
38  public enum DataType {
40    /**
41     * Corresponds to a java {@link Boolean}.  Accepts Boolean or {@code null}
42     * (which is considered {@code false}).  Equivalent to SQL {@link
43     * Types#BOOLEAN}.
44     */
45    BOOLEAN((byte) 0x01, Types.BOOLEAN, 1),
46    /**
47     * Corresponds to a java {@link Byte}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
48     * {@link Number#byteValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
49     * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
50     * {@link Types#TINYINT}, {@link Types#BIT}.
51     */
52    BYTE((byte) 0x02, Types.TINYINT, 1),
53    /**
54     * Corresponds to a java {@link Short}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
55     * {@link Number#shortValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
56     * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
57     * {@link Types#SMALLINT}.
58     */
59    INT((byte) 0x03, Types.SMALLINT, 2),
60    /**
61     * Corresponds to a java {@link Integer}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
62     * {@link Number#intValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
63     * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
64     * {@link Types#INTEGER}, {@link Types#BIGINT}.
65     */
66    LONG((byte) 0x04, Types.INTEGER, 4),
67    /**
68     * Corresponds to a java {@link BigDecimal} with at most 4 decimal places.
69     * Accepts any {@link Number} (using {@link Number#doubleValue}), a
70     * BigInteger, a BigDecimal (with at most 4 decimal places), Boolean as 1 or
71     * 0, any Object converted to a String and parsed as BigDecimal, or {@code
72     * null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#DECIMAL}.
73     */
74    MONEY((byte) 0x05, Types.DECIMAL, 8, false, false, 0, 0, 0, false, 4, 4, 4,
75          19, 19, 19, 1),
76    /**
77     * Corresponds to a java {@link Float}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
78     * {@link Number#floatValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
79     * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
80     * {@link Types#FLOAT}.
81     */
82    FLOAT((byte) 0x06, Types.FLOAT, 4),
83    /**
84     * Corresponds to a java {@link Double}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
85     * {@link Number#doubleValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
86     * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
87     * {@link Types#DOUBLE}, {@link Types#REAL}.
88     */
89    DOUBLE((byte) 0x07, Types.DOUBLE, 8),
90    /**
91     * Corresponds to a java {@link Date} or {@link LocalDateTime}.  Accepts a
92     * Date, LocalDateTime (or related types), any {@link Number} (using {@link
93     * Number#longValue}), or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link
94     * Types#TIMESTAMP}, {@link Types#DATE}, {@link Types#TIME}.
95     */
96    SHORT_DATE_TIME((byte) 0x08, Types.TIMESTAMP, 8),
97    /**
98     * Corresponds to a java {@code byte[]} of max length 255 bytes.  Accepts a
99     * {@code byte[]}, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#BINARY},
100    * {@link Types#VARBINARY}.
101    */
102   BINARY((byte) 0x09, Types.BINARY, null, true, false, 0, 255, 255, 1),
103   /**
104    * Corresponds to a java {@link String} of max length 255 chars.  Accepts
105    * any {@link CharSequence}, any Object converted to a String , or {@code
106    * null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#VARCHAR}, {@link Types#CHAR}.
107    */
108   TEXT((byte) 0x0A, Types.VARCHAR, null, true, false, 0,
110        JetFormat.TEXT_FIELD_UNIT_SIZE),
111   /**
112    * Corresponds to a java {@code byte[]} of max length 16777215 bytes.
113    * Accepts a {@code byte[]}, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
114    * {@link Types#LONGVARBINARY}, {@link Types#BLOB}.
115    */
116   OLE((byte) 0x0B, Types.LONGVARBINARY, null, true, true, 0, 0, 0x3FFFFFFF,
117       1),
118   /**
119    * Corresponds to a java {@link String} of max length 8388607 chars.
120    * Accepts any {@link CharSequence}, any Object converted to a String , or
121    * {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#LONGVARCHAR}, {@link
122    * Types#CLOB}.
123    */
124   MEMO((byte) 0x0C, Types.LONGVARCHAR, null, true, true, 0, 0, 0x3FFFFFFF,
125        JetFormat.TEXT_FIELD_UNIT_SIZE),
126   /**
127    * Unknown data.  Handled like {@link #BINARY}.
128    */
129   UNKNOWN_0D((byte) 0x0D, null, null, true, false, 0, 255, 255, 1),
130   /**
131    * Corresponds to a java {@link String} with the pattern
132    * <code>"{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"</code>, also known as a
133    * "Replication ID" in Access.  Accepts any
134    * Object converted to a String matching this pattern (surrounding "{}" are
135    * optional, so {@link java.util.UUID}s are supported), or {@code null}.
136    */
137   GUID((byte) 0x0F, null, 16),
138   /**
139    * Corresponds to a java {@link BigDecimal}.  Accepts any {@link Number}
140    * (using {@link Number#doubleValue}), a {@link BigInteger}, a BigDecimal,
141    * Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a String and parsed as
142    * BigDecimal, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#NUMERIC}.
143    */
144   // for some reason numeric is "var len" even though it has a fixed size...
145   NUMERIC((byte) 0x10, Types.NUMERIC, 17, true, false, 17, 17, 17,
146           true, 0, 0, 28, 1, 18, 28, 1),
147   /**
148    * Unknown data (seems to be an alternative {@link #OLE} type, used by
149    * MSysAccessObjects table).  Handled like a fixed length BINARY/OLE.
150    */
151   UNKNOWN_11((byte) 0x11, null, 3992),
152   /**
153    * Complex type corresponds to a special {@link #LONG} autonumber field
154    * which is the key for a secondary table which holds the "real" data.
155    */
156   COMPLEX_TYPE((byte) 0x12, null, 4),
157   /**
158    * Corresponds to a java {@link Long}.  Accepts any {@link Number} (using
159    * {@link Number#longValue}), Boolean as 1 or 0, any Object converted to a
160    * String and parsed as Double, or {@code null}.  Equivalent to SQL
161    * {@link Types#BIGINT}.
162    */
163   BIG_INT((byte) 0x13, Types.BIGINT, 8),
164   /**
165    * Corresponds to a java {@link LocalDateTime} (with 7 digits of nanosecond
166    * precision).  Accepts a Date, LocalDateTime (or related types), any
167    * {@link Number} (using {@link Number#longValue}), or {@code null}.
168    * Equivalent to SQL {@link Types#TIMESTAMP}, {@link Types#DATE},
169    * {@link Types#TIME}.
170    */
171   EXT_DATE_TIME((byte) 0x14, null, 42),
172   /**
173    * Dummy type for a fixed length type which is not currently supported.
174    * Handled like a fixed length {@link #BINARY}.
175    */
176   UNSUPPORTED_FIXEDLEN((byte) 0xFE, null, null),
177   /**
178    * Placeholder type for a variable length type which is not currently
179    * supported.  Handled like {@link #BINARY}.
180    */
181   UNSUPPORTED_VARLEN((byte) 0xFF, null, null, true, false, 0, 0, 0x3FFFFFFF,
182       1);
184   /** Map of SQL types to Access data types */
185   private static final Map<Integer, DataType[]> SQL_TYPES =
186     new HashMap<Integer, DataType[]>();
187   /** Alternate map of SQL types to Access data types */
188   private static final Map<Integer, DataType> ALT_SQL_TYPES =
189     new HashMap<Integer, DataType>();
190   static {
191     for (DataType type : DataType.values()) {
192       if (type._sqlType != null) {
193         SQL_TYPES.put(type._sqlType, new DataType[]{type});
194       }
195     }
196     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.BIT, new DataType[]{BYTE});
197     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.BLOB, new DataType[]{OLE});
198     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.CLOB, new DataType[]{MEMO});
199     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.BIGINT, new DataType[]{LONG, BIG_INT});
200     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.CHAR, new DataType[]{TEXT});
201     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.DATE, new DataType[]{SHORT_DATE_TIME});
202     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.REAL, new DataType[]{DOUBLE});
203     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.TIME, new DataType[]{SHORT_DATE_TIME});
204     SQL_TYPES.put(Types.VARBINARY, new DataType[]{BINARY});
206     // the "alternate" types allow for larger values
207     ALT_SQL_TYPES.put(Types.VARCHAR, MEMO);
208     ALT_SQL_TYPES.put(Types.VARBINARY, OLE);
209     ALT_SQL_TYPES.put(Types.BINARY, OLE);
211     // add newer sql types if available in this jvm
212     addNewSqlType("NCHAR", TEXT, null);
213     addNewSqlType("NVARCHAR", TEXT, MEMO);
214     addNewSqlType("LONGNVARCHAR", MEMO, null);
215     addNewSqlType("NCLOB", MEMO, null);
216     addNewSqlType("TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE", SHORT_DATE_TIME, null);
218   }
220   private static Map<Byte, DataType> DATA_TYPES = new HashMap<Byte, DataType>();
221   static {
222     for (DataType type : DataType.values()) {
223       if(type.isUnsupported()) {
224         continue;
225       }
226       DATA_TYPES.put(type._value, type);
227     }
228   }
230   /** is this a variable length field */
231   private final boolean _variableLength;
232   /** is this a long value field */
233   private final boolean _longValue;
234   /** does this field have scale/precision */
235   private final boolean _hasScalePrecision;
236   /** Internal Access value */
237   private final byte _value;
238   /** Size in bytes of fixed length columns */
239   private final Integer _fixedSize;
240   /** min in bytes size for var length columns */
241   private final int _minSize;
242   /** default size in bytes for var length columns */
243   private final int _defaultSize;
244   /** Max size in bytes for var length columns */
245   private final int _maxSize;
246   /** SQL type equivalent, or null if none defined */
247   private final Integer _sqlType;
248   /** min scale value */
249   private final int _minScale;
250   /** the default scale value */
251   private final int _defaultScale;
252   /** max scale value */
253   private final int _maxScale;
254   /** min precision value */
255   private final int _minPrecision;
256   /** the default precision value */
257   private final int _defaultPrecision;
258   /** max precision value */
259   private final int _maxPrecision;
260   /** the number of bytes per "unit" for this data type */
261   private final int _unitSize;
263   private DataType(byte value) {
264     this(value, null, null);
265   }
267   private DataType(byte value, Integer sqlType, Integer fixedSize) {
268     this(value, sqlType, fixedSize, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 1);
269   }
271   private DataType(byte value, Integer sqlType, Integer fixedSize,
272                    boolean variableLength,
273                    boolean longValue,
274                    int minSize,
275                    int defaultSize,
276                    int maxSize,
277                    int unitSize) {
278     this(value, sqlType, fixedSize, variableLength, longValue,
279          minSize, defaultSize, maxSize,
280          false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, unitSize);
281   }
283   private DataType(byte value, Integer sqlType, Integer fixedSize,
284                    boolean variableLength,
285                    boolean longValue,
286                    int minSize,
287                    int defaultSize,
288                    int maxSize,
289                    boolean hasScalePrecision,
290                    int minScale,
291                    int defaultScale,
292                    int maxScale,
293                    int minPrecision,
294                    int defaultPrecision,
295                    int maxPrecision,
296                    int unitSize) {
297     _value = value;
298     _sqlType = sqlType;
299     _fixedSize = fixedSize;
300     _variableLength = variableLength;
301     _longValue = longValue;
302     _minSize = minSize;
303     _defaultSize = defaultSize;
304     _maxSize = maxSize;
305     _hasScalePrecision = hasScalePrecision;
306     _minScale = minScale;
307     _defaultScale = defaultScale;
308     _maxScale = maxScale;
309     _minPrecision = minPrecision;
310     _defaultPrecision = defaultPrecision;
311     _maxPrecision = maxPrecision;
312     _unitSize = unitSize;
313   }
315   public byte getValue() {
316     return _value;
317   }
319   public boolean isVariableLength() {
320     return _variableLength;
321   }
323   public boolean isTrueVariableLength() {
324     // some "var len" fields do not really have a variable length,
325     // e.g. NUMERIC
326     return (isVariableLength() && (getMinSize() != getMaxSize()));
327   }
329   public boolean isLongValue() {
330     return _longValue;
331   }
333   public boolean getHasScalePrecision() {
334     return _hasScalePrecision;
335   }
337   public int getFixedSize() {
338     return getFixedSize(null);
339   }
341   public int getFixedSize(Short colLength) {
342     if(_fixedSize != null) {
343       if(colLength != null) {
344         return Math.max(_fixedSize, colLength);
345       }
346       return _fixedSize;
347     }
348     if(colLength != null) {
349       return colLength;
350     }
351     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected fixed length column " +
352                                        this);
353   }
355   public int getMinSize() {
356     return _minSize;
357   }
359   public int getDefaultSize() {
360     return _defaultSize;
361   }
363   public int getMaxSize() {
364     return _maxSize;
365   }
367   public int getSQLType() throws IOException {
368     if (_sqlType != null) {
369       return _sqlType;
370     }
371     throw new JackcessException("Unsupported data type: " + toString());
372   }
374   public int getMinScale() {
375     return _minScale;
376   }
378   public int getDefaultScale() {
379     return _defaultScale;
380   }
382   public int getMaxScale() {
383     return _maxScale;
384   }
386   public int getMinPrecision() {
387     return _minPrecision;
388   }
390   public int getDefaultPrecision() {
391     return _defaultPrecision;
392   }
394   public int getMaxPrecision() {
395     return _maxPrecision;
396   }
398   public int getUnitSize() {
399     return _unitSize;
400   }
402   public int getUnitSize(JetFormat format) {
403     if((format != null) && isTextual()) {
404       return format.SIZE_TEXT_FIELD_UNIT;
405     }
406     return _unitSize;
407   }
409   public int toUnitSize(int size) {
410     return toUnitSize(size, null);
411   }
413   public int toUnitSize(int size, JetFormat format) {
414     return(size / getUnitSize(format));
415   }
417   public int fromUnitSize(int unitSize) {
418     return fromUnitSize(unitSize, null);
419   }
421   public int fromUnitSize(int unitSize, JetFormat format) {
422     return(unitSize * getUnitSize(format));
423   }
425   public boolean isValidSize(int size) {
426     return isWithinRange(size, getMinSize(), getMaxSize());
427   }
429   public boolean isValidScale(int scale) {
430     return isWithinRange(scale, getMinScale(), getMaxScale());
431   }
433   public boolean isValidPrecision(int precision) {
434     return isWithinRange(precision, getMinPrecision(), getMaxPrecision());
435   }
437   private static boolean isWithinRange(int value, int minValue, int maxValue) {
438     return((value >= minValue) && (value <= maxValue));
439   }
441   public int toValidSize(int size) {
442     return toValidRange(size, getMinSize(), getMaxSize());
443   }
445   public int toValidScale(int scale) {
446     return toValidRange(scale, getMinScale(), getMaxScale());
447   }
449   public int toValidPrecision(int precision) {
450     return toValidRange(precision, getMinPrecision(), getMaxPrecision());
451   }
453   public boolean isTextual() {
454     return ((this == TEXT) || (this == MEMO));
455   }
457   public boolean mayBeAutoNumber() {
458     return((this == LONG) || (this == GUID) || (this == COMPLEX_TYPE));
459   }
461   public boolean isMultipleAutoNumberAllowed() {
462     return (this == COMPLEX_TYPE);
463   }
465   public boolean isUnsupported() {
466     return((this == UNSUPPORTED_FIXEDLEN) || (this == UNSUPPORTED_VARLEN));
467   }
469   private static int toValidRange(int value, int minValue, int maxValue) {
470     return((value > maxValue) ? maxValue :
471            ((value < minValue) ? minValue : value));
472   }
474   public static DataType fromByte(byte b) throws IOException {
475     DataType rtn = DATA_TYPES.get(b);
476     if (rtn != null) {
477       return rtn;
478     }
479     throw new IOException("Unrecognized data type: " + b);
480   }
482   public static DataType fromSQLType(int sqlType)
483     throws IOException
484   {
485     return fromSQLType(sqlType, 0, null);
486   }
488   public static DataType fromSQLType(int sqlType, int lengthInUnits)
489     throws IOException
490   {
491     return fromSQLType(sqlType, lengthInUnits, null);
492   }
494   public static DataType fromSQLType(int sqlType, int lengthInUnits,
495                                      Database.FileFormat fileFormat)
496     throws IOException
497   {
498     DataType[] rtnArr = SQL_TYPES.get(sqlType);
499     if(rtnArr == null) {
500       throw new JackcessException("Unsupported SQL type: " + sqlType);
501     }
502     JetFormat format =
503       ((fileFormat != null) ?
504        DatabaseImpl.getFileFormatDetails(fileFormat).getFormat() :
505        null);
506     DataType rtn = rtnArr[0];
507     if((rtnArr.length > 1) && (format != null)) {
508       // there are multiple possibilities, ordered from lowest version to
509       // highest version supported.  go in opposite order to find the best
510       // type for this format
511       for(int i = rtnArr.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
512         DataType tmp = rtnArr[i];
513         if(format.isSupportedDataType(tmp)) {
514           rtn = tmp;
515           break;
516         }
517       }
518     }
520     // make sure size is reasonable
521     int size = rtn.fromUnitSize(lengthInUnits, format);
522     if(rtn.isVariableLength() && !rtn.isValidSize(size)) {
523       // try alternate type.  we always accept alternate "long value" types
524       // regardless of the given lengthInUnits
525       DataType altRtn = ALT_SQL_TYPES.get(sqlType);
526       if((altRtn != null) &&
527          (altRtn.isLongValue() || altRtn.isValidSize(size))) {
528         // use alternate type
529         rtn = altRtn;
530       }
531     }
533     return rtn;
534   }
536   /**
537    * Adds mappings for a sql type which was added after jdk 1.5 (using
538    * reflection).
539    */
540   private static void addNewSqlType(String typeName, DataType type,
541                                     DataType altType)
542   {
543     try {
544       Integer value = SqlHelper.INSTANCE.getNewSqlType(typeName);
545       SQL_TYPES.put(value, new DataType[]{type});
546       if(altType != null) {
547         ALT_SQL_TYPES.put(value, altType);
548       }
549     } catch(Exception ignored) {
550       // must not be available
551     }
552   }
554 }