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1   /*
2   Copyright (c) 2008 Health Market Science, Inc.
4   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  limitations under the License.
15  */
17  package com.healthmarketscience.jackcess;
19  import;
20  import java.util.HashMap;
21  import java.util.Map;
23  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.ColumnImpl;
24  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.DatabaseImpl;
25  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.JetFormat;
26  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.PropertyMapImpl;
27  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.TableImpl;
28  import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.TableUpdater;
30  /**
31   * Builder style class for constructing a {@link Column}.  See {@link
32   * TableBuilder} for example usage.  Additionally, a Column can be added to an
33   * existing Table using the {@link #addToTable(Table)} method.
34   *
35   * @author James Ahlborn
36   * @see TableBuilder
37   * @usage _general_class_
38   */
39  public class ColumnBuilder {
41    /** name of the new column */
42    private String _name;
43    /** the type of the new column */
44    private DataType _type;
45    /** optional length for the new column */
46    private Short _length;
47    /** optional precision for the new column */
48    private Byte _precision;
49    /** optional scale for the new column */
50    private Byte _scale;
51    /** whether or not the column is auto-number */
52    private boolean _autoNumber;
53    /** whether or not the column allows compressed unicode */
54    private boolean _compressedUnicode;
55    /** whether or not the column is calculated */
56    private boolean _calculated;
57    /** whether or not the column is a hyperlink (memo only) */
58    private boolean _hyperlink;
59    /** 0-based column number */
60    private short _columnNumber;
61    /** the collating sort order for a text field */
62    private ColumnImpl.SortOrder _sortOrder;
63    /** table properties (if any) */
64    private Map<String,PropertyMap.Property> _props;
67    public ColumnBuilder(String name) {
68      this(name, null);
69    }
71    public ColumnBuilder(String name, DataType type) {
72      _name = name;
73      _type = type;
74    }
76    public String getName() {
77      return _name;
78    }
80    /**
81     * Sets the type for the new column.
82     */
83    public ColumnBuilder setType(DataType type) {
84      _type = type;
85      return this;
86    }
88    public DataType getType() {
89      return _type;
90    }
92    /**
93     * Sets the type for the new column based on the given SQL type.
94     */
95    public ColumnBuilder setSQLType(int type) throws IOException {
96      return setSQLType(type, 0, null);
97    }
99    /**
100    * Sets the type for the new column based on the given SQL type and target
101    * data length (in type specific units).
102    */
103   public ColumnBuilder setSQLType(int type, int lengthInUnits)
104     throws IOException
105   {
106     return setSQLType(type, lengthInUnits, null);
107   }
109   /**
110    * Sets the type for the new column based on the given SQL type, target
111    * data length (in type specific units), and target FileFormat.
112    */
113   public ColumnBuilder setSQLType(int type, int lengthInUnits,
114                                   Database.FileFormat fileFormat)
115     throws IOException
116   {
117     return setType(DataType.fromSQLType(type, lengthInUnits, fileFormat));
118   }
120   /**
121    * Sets the precision for the new column.
122    */
123   public ColumnBuilder setPrecision(int newPrecision) {
124     _precision = (byte)newPrecision;
125     return this;
126   }
128   public byte getPrecision() {
129     return ((_precision != null) ? _precision : (byte)_type.getDefaultPrecision());
130   }
132   /**
133    * Sets the precision for the new column to the max length for the type.
134    * Does nothing for types which do not have a precision.
135    */
136   public ColumnBuilder setMaxPrecision() {
137     if(_type.getHasScalePrecision()) {
138       setPrecision(_type.getMaxPrecision());
139     }
140     return this;
141   }
143   /**
144    * Sets the scale for the new column.
145    */
146   public ColumnBuilder setScale(int newScale) {
147     _scale = (byte)newScale;
148     return this;
149   }
151   public byte getScale() {
152     return ((_scale != null) ? _scale : (byte)_type.getDefaultScale());
153   }
155   /**
156    * Sets the scale for the new column to the max length for the type.  Does
157    * nothing for types which do not have a scale.
158    */
159   public ColumnBuilder setMaxScale() {
160     if(_type.getHasScalePrecision()) {
161       setScale(_type.getMaxScale());
162     }
163     return this;
164   }
166   /**
167    * Sets the length (in bytes) for the new column.
168    */
169   public ColumnBuilder setLength(int length) {
170     _length = (short)length;
171     return this;
172   }
174   public short getLength() {
175     return ((_length != null) ? _length :
176             (short)(!_type.isVariableLength() ? _type.getFixedSize() :
177                     _type.getDefaultSize()));
178   }
180   /**
181    * Sets the length (in type specific units) for the new column.
182    */
183   public ColumnBuilder setLengthInUnits(int unitLength) {
184     return setLength(_type.fromUnitSize(unitLength));
185   }
187   /**
188    * Sets the length for the new column to the max length for the type.  Does
189    * nothing for types which are not variable length.
190    */
191   public ColumnBuilder setMaxLength() {
192     // length setting only makes sense for variable length columns
193     if(_type.isVariableLength()) {
194       setLength(_type.getMaxSize());
195     }
196     return this;
197   }
199   /**
200    * Sets whether of not the new column is an auto-number column.
201    */
202   public ColumnBuilder setAutoNumber(boolean autoNumber) {
203     _autoNumber = autoNumber;
204     return this;
205   }
207   public boolean isAutoNumber() {
208     return _autoNumber;
209   }
211   /**
212    * Sets whether of not the new column allows unicode compression.
213    */
214   public ColumnBuilder setCompressedUnicode(boolean compressedUnicode) {
215     _compressedUnicode = compressedUnicode;
216     return this;
217   }
219   public boolean isCompressedUnicode() {
220     return _compressedUnicode;
221   }
223   /**
224    * Sets whether of not the new column is a calculated column.
225    */
226   public ColumnBuilder setCalculated(boolean calculated) {
227     _calculated = calculated;
228     return this;
229   }
231   public boolean isCalculated() {
232     return _calculated;
233   }
235   /**
236    * Convenience method to set the various info for a calculated type (flag,
237    * result type property and expression)
238    */
239   public ColumnBuilder setCalculatedInfo(String expression) {
240     setCalculated(true);
241     putProperty(PropertyMap.EXPRESSION_PROP, expression);
242     return putProperty(PropertyMap.RESULT_TYPE_PROP, getType().getValue());
243   }
245   public boolean isVariableLength() {
246     // calculated columns are written as var len
247     return(getType().isVariableLength() || isCalculated());
248   }
250   /**
251    * Sets whether of not the new column allows unicode compression.
252    */
253   public ColumnBuilder setHyperlink(boolean hyperlink) {
254     _hyperlink = hyperlink;
255     return this;
256   }
258   public boolean isHyperlink() {
259     return _hyperlink;
260   }
262   /**
263    * Sets the column property with the given name to the given value.  Attempts
264    * to determine the type of the property (see
265    * {@link PropertyMap#put(String,Object)} for details on determining the
266    * property type).
267    */
268   public ColumnBuilder putProperty(String name, Object value) {
269     return putProperty(name, null, value);
270   }
272   /**
273    * Sets the column property with the given name and type to the given value.
274    */
275   public ColumnBuilder putProperty(String name, DataType type, Object value) {
276     setProperty(name, PropertyMapImpl.createProperty(name, type, value));
277     return this;
278   }
280   public Map<String,PropertyMap.Property> getProperties() {
281     return _props;
282   }
284   private void setProperty(String name, PropertyMap.Property prop) {
285     if(prop == null) {
286       return;
287     }
288     if(_props == null) {
289       _props = new HashMap<String,PropertyMap.Property>();
290     }
291     _props.put(name, prop);
292   }
294   private PropertyMap.Property getProperty(String name) {
295     return ((_props != null) ? _props.get(name) : null);
296   }
298   /**
299    * Sets all attributes except name from the given Column template (including
300    * all column properties except GUID).
301    */
302   public ColumnBuilder setFromColumn(Column template)
303     throws IOException
304   {
305     DataType type = template.getType();
306     setType(type);
307     setLengthInUnits(template.getLengthInUnits());
308     setAutoNumber(template.isAutoNumber());
309     if(type.getHasScalePrecision()) {
310       setScale(template.getScale());
311       setPrecision(template.getPrecision());
312     }
313     setCalculated(template.isCalculated());
314     setCompressedUnicode(template.isCompressedUnicode());
315     setHyperlink(template.isHyperlink());
316     if(template instanceof ColumnImpl) {
317       setTextSortOrder(((ColumnImpl)template).getTextSortOrder());
318     }
320     PropertyMap colProps = template.getProperties();
321     for(PropertyMap.Property colProp : colProps) {
322       // copy everything but guid
323       if(!PropertyMap.GUID_PROP.equalsIgnoreCase(colProp.getName())) {
324         setProperty(colProp.getName(), colProp);
325       }
326     }
328     return this;
329   }
331   /**
332    * Sets all attributes except name from the given Column template.
333    */
334   public ColumnBuilderm/healthmarketscience/jackcess/ColumnBuilder.html#ColumnBuilder">ColumnBuilder setFromColumn(ColumnBuilder template) {
335     DataType type = template.getType();
336     _type = type;
337     _length = template._length;
338     _autoNumber = template._autoNumber;
339     if(type.getHasScalePrecision()) {
340       _scale = template._scale;
341       _precision = template._precision;
342     }
343     _calculated = template._calculated;
344     _compressedUnicode = template._compressedUnicode;
345     _hyperlink = template._hyperlink;
346     _sortOrder = template._sortOrder;
348     if(template._props != null) {
349       _props = new HashMap<String,PropertyMap.Property>(template._props);
350     }
352     return this;
353   }
355   /**
356    * Escapes the new column's name using {@link TableBuilder#escapeIdentifier}.
357    */
358   public ColumnBuilder escapeName() {
359     _name = TableBuilder.escapeIdentifier(_name);
360     return this;
361   }
363   /**
364    * @usage _advanced_method_
365    */
366   public short getColumnNumber() {
367     return _columnNumber;
368   }
370   /**
371    * @usage _advanced_method_
372    */
373   public void setColumnNumber(short newColumnNumber) {
374     _columnNumber = newColumnNumber;
375   }
377   /**
378    * @usage _advanced_method_
379    */
380   public ColumnImpl.SortOrder getTextSortOrder() {
381     return _sortOrder;
382   }
384   /**
385    * @usage _advanced_method_
386    */
387   public void setTextSortOrder(ColumnImpl.SortOrder newTextSortOrder) {
388     _sortOrder = newTextSortOrder;
389   }
391   /**
392    * @usage _advanced_method_
393    */
394   public boolean storeInNullMask() {
395     return (getType() == DataType.BOOLEAN);
396   }
398   /**
399    * @usage _advanced_method_
400    */
401   public int getFixedDataSize() {
402     return _type.getFixedSize(_length);
403   }
405   /**
406    * Checks that this column definition is valid.
407    *
408    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this column definition is invalid.
409    * @usage _advanced_method_
410    */
411   public void validate(JetFormat format) {
412     DatabaseImpl.validateIdentifierName(
413         getName(), format.MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH, "column");
415     if(getType() == null) {
416       throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext("must have type"));
417     }
418     if(getType().isUnsupported()) {
419       throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
420           "Cannot create column with unsupported type " + getType()));
421     }
422     if(!format.isSupportedDataType(getType())) {
423       throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
424           "Database format " + format + " does not support type " + getType()));
425     }
427     if(!getType().isVariableLength()) {
428       if(getLength() < getType().getFixedSize()) {
429         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
430             "Invalid fixed length size " + getLength()));
431       }
432     } else if(!getType().isLongValue()) {
433       if(!getType().isValidSize(getLength())) {
434         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
435             "Var length must be from " + getType().getMinSize() + " to " +
436             getType().getMaxSize() + " inclusive, found " + getLength()));
437       }
438     }
440     if(getType().getHasScalePrecision()) {
441       if(!getType().isValidScale(getScale())) {
442         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
443             "Scale must be from " + getType().getMinScale() + " to " +
444             getType().getMaxScale() + " inclusive, found " + getScale()));
445       }
446       if(!getType().isValidPrecision(getPrecision())) {
447         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
448             "Precision must be from " + getType().getMinPrecision() + " to " +
449             getType().getMaxPrecision() + " inclusive, found " +
450             getPrecision()));
451       }
452     }
454     if(isAutoNumber()) {
455       if(!getType().mayBeAutoNumber()) {
456         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
457             "Auto number column must be long integer or guid"));
458       }
459     }
461     if(isCompressedUnicode()) {
462       if(!getType().isTextual()) {
463         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
464             "Only textual columns allow unicode compression (text/memo)"));
465       }
466     }
468     if(isHyperlink()) {
469       if(getType() != DataType.MEMO) {
470         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
471             "Only memo columns can be hyperlinks"));
472       }
473     }
475     if(isCalculated()) {
476       if(!format.isSupportedCalculatedDataType(getType())) {
477         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
478             "Database format " + format + " does not support calculated type " +
479             getType()));
480       }
482       // must have an expression
483       if(getProperty(PropertyMap.EXPRESSION_PROP) == null) {
484         throw new IllegalArgumentException(withErrorContext(
485             "No expression provided for calculated type " + getType()));
486       }
488       // must have result type (just fill in if missing)
489       if(getProperty(PropertyMap.RESULT_TYPE_PROP) == null) {
490         putProperty(PropertyMap.RESULT_TYPE_PROP, getType().getValue());
491       }
492     }
493   }
495   /**
496    * Creates a new Column with the currently configured attributes.
497    */
498   public ColumnBuilder toColumn() {
499     // for backwards compat w/ old code
500     return this;
501   }
503   /**
504    * Adds a new Column to the given Table with the currently configured
505    * attributes.
506    */
507   public Column addToTable(Table table) throws IOException {
508     return addToTableDefinition(table);
509   }
511   /**
512    * Adds a new Column to the given TableDefinition with the currently
513    * configured attributes.
514    */
515   public Column addToTableDefinition(TableDefinition table) throws IOException {
516       return new TableUpdater((TableImpl)table).addColumn(this);
517   }
519   private String withErrorContext(String msg) {
520     return msg + "(Column=" + getName() + ")";
521   }
522 }